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TIB chief calls for reforms to RTI, Information Commission

Iftekharuzzaman, executive director of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), today emphasised the need for reforms in the Right to Information (RTI) Act and the Information Commission to uphold the spirit of the July Revolution.
He made the remarks during a discussion at the Information Commission’s auditorium, marking International Day for Universal Access to Information 2024.
“When the RTI Act was first introduced, it was seen as a victory for citizens, but over time, it has become clear that it remains largely symbolic,” said Iftekharuzzaman.
He stressed the importance of direct recruitment within the Information Commission, asserting that the commission should not be defined solely by its commissioners, who must be appointed impartially.
“The commissioners should be non-partisan, ensuring the commission’s credibility,” he added.
The TIB chief criticised the entrenched mindset among officials, stating that “many officials treat information as their personal asset, but in reality, it belongs to the people. Public officials should understand their role as custodians of information, not gatekeepers.”
He also called for an end to the practice of withholding information, a problem that has persisted since the past.
Iftekharuzzaman urged that the RTI Act be used as a tool for empowering citizens and promoting transparency.
“Freedom of speech, the right to dissent, and the free flow of information are essential elements of the student-led movement. Ensuring the unrestricted flow of information is critical for building a transparent, accountable, and corruption-free Bangladesh,” he said.
